Giacomo Mattei
“Creativity can be a condition for achieving sustainability using unconventional ways.”
“Creativity can be a condition for achieving sustainability using unconventional ways.”
“Like many here in Prato, I also have textiles in my blood.”
“For an aspiring designer, starting from Prato, learning how things are done here, is certainly an advantage in terms of knowledge and preparation. “
“In my opinion “creativity” is in the eye of the beholder, the great creative skill is just being able to capture that gaze.”
“Taking this path requires passion and above all the desire to learn.”
“For me, creativity means combining existing elements with new connections, experimenting, and daring.”
““I would like to making new fashion, an eco-friendly fashion, that takes advantage of something that is destined to die and gives it new life, a new shape, a new colour.” ”
“I believe that with the use of new technologies we will be able to make the most of resources, making our production and finishing cycles more effective.”
“The future of fashion will be largely digital and no longer just concretely fungible.
“creativity lies precisely in knowing how to grasp the beauty in what we see in our daily life and then apply it to our work as a designer. ”
“Creativity in my opinion is the need to externalize one’s being, one’s vision of things and express concretely one’s feelings.”
“My definition of creativity is “activating innovative ideas”.”
“I’d like to make people understand the importance of sustainable fashion. That’s it. That’s my secret dream.”
“In the future I would like to work only with entirely sustainable materials to prevent any kind of pollution.”
“For the future I expect less fast fashion and more quality products.”