Furpile Idea

“For me, creativity means combining existing elements with new connections, experimenting, and daring.”
What is your definition of “creativity”?
For me, creativity means combining existing elements with new connections, experimenting, and daring. Especially in an industry like ours, being creative is an essential requirement for moving forward.

What was a first milestone you reached in this role as a designer?
Undoubtedly joining the staff of Furpile Idea and supporting Mr. Renzo Nicoletti in developing new ideas was my first big goal.
What prompted you to follow your path as a designer / creative within the district? Where did your passion for the world of fabrics come from?
Mine is an unusual story. I approached the world of textiles by pure chance and from that moment a great passion was born. It was precisely the discovery of this passion that prompted me to embark on the path of designer within the Prato District.

What would you recommend to those who want to take your path?
To take this path I consider it essential to have a lot of curiosity and, above all, a great desire to grow. A designer never stops experimenting and learning.
What kind of fabrics do you like to create? What are the sources of inspiration?
I like to combine more fibres, animal fibres with vegetable fibres, and create movements between them to obtain new effects.