Passionately Blazing

A story on fire, a story of resilience, of hope and freedom. A story ready to explode bringing new life, passion and meaning. That burning sensation inside, when in pain, in love or in protest fighting and trying to change the world, or maybe it is the world that is fighting to change us.


Bellandi, Art. 10019DRAP 72WV, 28PA


Bellandi, Art. 11074SS 78WV, 12PA, 10WS


Furpile Idea, Art. Florian 40WV, 30PC, 30PL


Lanificio Bisentino, Art. DrinkCal-Wr 74PA, 26PL, 3M

Its time to take a stand and be heard or seen, to affirm ones opinion, to freely express who we are and not be afraid to leave ones comfort zone. A social explosion, a planet on fire, a need for real change.


Lanificio Bisentino, Art. MiettaT-Sol, 100CO Shiny


Lanificio Roma, Art. 1948P 68WV, 20PL, 12PC

Just like the phoenix, showing great determination and faith when it sets itself ablaze, in order to re-emerge stronger and more powerful. At this moment, we are being asked to be solid, to resist any adversity, to fight in what we believe in, to protect what we have.


Lineaesse, Art. WandaG 62CO, 38PU


Manifattura Emmetex, Art. Bartolo2 84WV, 16VI


Manteco, Art. Bi Bye TD recype, 70WO, 30PA


Marini Industrie, Art. ODM, Frangola 59VI, 25WP, 6WP, 6WM, 4PA

We look for design and creative stimulus that will evoke these needs, especially through the use of dichotomous materials: indestructible and precious, classic and contemporary, traditional and innovative. The masculine and feminine are also dissolved in the name of resilience and strength. Bright hues of intense red, coral, pink and rust that will enliven and make a statement.


SMI Tessuti, Art. 13192 DamEmbossedVelvet 90PL, 10EA


SMI Tessuti, Art. 13192 PiedEmbossedVelvet 90PL, 10EA

Materials and surfaces express themselves strongly both through color but also through texture. Burnt, cracked, degraded, soft or shiny. The contrast is important and the intensity essential. Let’s transform our passion into an outstanding creation.


Texmoda Tessuti, Art. 98965 50PC, 22WO, 19VI, 7PA,2PL


Texmoda Tessuti, Art. 98727 43PL, 40PC, 17WO


Pontetorto, Art. KrunchUniL 40WO RECY, 24PA, 18WP, 18WM